Hypefury’s Early Supporters

These people have  supported Hypefury since its early days
and we want to thank them for it. πŸ™

You will never see me using any other Twitter account manager. @hypefury is perfectly suited for the ROGUEWEALTH brand. Nothing else comes close.

No. They don’t pay me to say that.

Hypefury added new features that have turned it from good to β€œI can’t live without this”

It does everything for the daily content writer

Not gonna lie. I didn’t initially care for @hypefury.
But I was curious about the sales and list building functions.
@SamyDindane took time to show me the magic.
In 1 hour, 50 new mailing list sign-ups and $700 made.  From automation.
Highly recommended

Most of the brands I love and care about have real people with real names & faces representing them.

E.g., I think Hubspot and the like are fine, but for @hypefury, I know that @SamyDindane and @Yannick_Veys ARE the brand. And I really like them. Therefore, I support the brand.

Hypefury is the most responsive SAAS company I have ever seen. There are similar products but don’t switch because HF people move so fast for their users

Hypefury for Twitter I post organically on all platforms

I love Hypefury too! Been using it for two years now. You’ve just reminded me I should use the recurring posts feature

Want to automate LinkedIn?


Hypefury has some of the best customer service I’ve ever experienced. They listen to their audience

My highest ROI activity is probably writing tweets in Hypefury

Shoutout to @hypefury for saving my ass this weekπŸ˜‚

No time to tweet

I gotta say

The best app on this entire side of twitter

Is @hypefury

Scheduling them all on Hypefury as we speak

Given how amazing HypeFury turned out, super excited about this. πŸ‘Š

 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

About our Supporters

We’re thankful our supporters are part of our journey. We hope we can keep adding value to their lives by providing a great social media tool. We want to thank our supporters for being immensely valuable to Hypefury.

If we can give aspiring Indiehackers / Makers / Bootstrappers one advice, it’s this:

Build your project on a strong foundation of (early) supporters.

Samy Dindane, Founder & Yannick Veys, Co-founder