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Your Guide to Instagram Post Size: Instagram Post Dimensions and Aspect Ratio

Instagram Posts Size Guide

While Instagram gained popularity by being a photo-sharing app, it has expanded much more since then. Instagram now offers features such as carousels, stories, reels, and videos. 

Since Instagram is a visual platform, it’s all about the aesthetic and the quality of the content you share.

There are no strict rules to follow when posting, however, when following the fundamentals it will allow your brand to stand out and the algorithm to favor you because Instagram favors high-quality content.

Read along to find out the ideal post size for Instagram content such as images, carousels, stories, reels, and videos.

Table of Contents

Instagram Post Size for Photos

Instagram single photos can be square, vertical, or landscape but all images will be cropped to square in the feed until the user clicks on the post.
  • The ideal size for square Instagram images is 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio
  • For vertical images, the ideal size is 1080px by 1350px at an aspect ratio of 4:5
  • For landscape images, the ideal size is 1080px by 566px with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1
The file types allowed: PNG or JPEG Maximum upload size: 30MB

Instagram post size for Reels

Instagram Reels are short-form videos of a maximum length of 90 seconds.
  • Instagram Reels take up the full display of the screen and the ideal size is 1080px by 1920px with an aspect ratio of 9:16
Minimum frame rates per second: 30FPS Maximum video length: 90 seconds Maximum upload size: 650MB

Instagram post size for videos

Instagram videos are long-form videos that can be up to 60 minutes long. Just as Instagram images, Instagram videos can be square, vertical, and landscape.
  • The ideal size for vertical videos is 1080px by 1350px at an aspect ratio of 4:5
  • For square videos, the ideal size is 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio
  • And for landscape, the ideal size is  1080px by 566px with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1
  • Or you can also upload a video with an aspect ratio of 16:9 which is 1920px by 1080px to be viewed sideways
Minimum frame rates per second: 30FPS Maximum video length: 60 Minutes Maximum upload size: 3.6 GB Minimum resolution: 720 pixels Cover photo: 420px by 654px For the cover photo, be sure to keep all the important information towards the center so they can be visible when cropped to be displayed in different feeds.

Instagram post size for Stories

Instagram stories are images or videos that are shared and disappear after 24 hours.
  • Instagram stories also take the whole display so the ideal size is 1080px by 1920px with an aspect ratio of 9:16 (for both photos and videos)
Image file type: PNG or JPEG Video file type: MP4, MOV, or GIF Maximum video length: 15 seconds. The video can be 1 minute long but it will be split into chunks of 15 seconds Story display time: 5 seconds for images and 15 seconds for videos. Note: You can record videos more than 1 minute long but after the one-minute mark you will have to record again.

Instagram post size for Carousels

Instagram Carousels are collections of images or videos grouped together as an album and shared as a single post.
  • Carousels can include any of the three sizes (square, vertical, or landscape) but square posts are recommended (1080px by 1080px at 1:1 aspect ratio)
Vertical and landscape posts will include a top and bottom black space to make it square.

Is There Any Effect To Using Different Post Size?

The answer is both yes and no. No, because as long as you stick to any of the Instagram post dimensions and aspect ratios above then you are good because no matter the post size, Instagram will always crop the posts to square to show them in the feed.  So your posts will not be affected. Yes, because if you use other post dimensions and aspect ratios not listed here (meaning not recognized by Instagram) then your posts will be cropped or enlarged depending on the size and may lose quality or hide some parts.

As long as you stick to Instagram’s provided post sizes, dimensions and aspect ratios you are good.

One thing you can do is also choose the right size for the post the you are aiming.

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Your Guide to Instagram Post Size: Instagram Post Dimensions and Aspect Ratio

Instagram Posts Size Guide

While Instagram gained popularity by being a photo-sharing app, it has expanded much more since then. Instagram now offers features such as carousels, stories, reels, and videos. 

Since Instagram is a visual platform, it’s all about the aesthetic and the quality of the content you share.

There are no strict rules to follow when posting, however, when following the fundamentals it will allow your brand to stand out and the algorithm to favor you because Instagram favors high-quality content.

Read along to find out the ideal post size for Instagram content such as images, carousels, stories, reels, and videos.

Table of Contents

Instagram Post Size for Photos

Instagram single photos can be square, vertical, or landscape but all images will be cropped to square in the feed until the user clicks on the post.
  • The ideal size for square Instagram images is 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio
  • For vertical images, the ideal size is 1080px by 1350px at an aspect ratio of 4:5
  • For landscape images, the ideal size is 1080px by 566px with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1
The file types allowed: PNG or JPEG Maximum upload size: 30MB

Instagram post size for Reels

Instagram Reels are short-form videos of a maximum length of 90 seconds.
  • Instagram Reels take up the full display of the screen and the ideal size is 1080px by 1920px with an aspect ratio of 9:16
Minimum frame rates per second: 30FPS Maximum video length: 90 seconds Maximum upload size: 650MB

Instagram post size for videos

Instagram videos are long-form videos that can be up to 60 minutes long. Just as Instagram images, Instagram videos can be square, vertical, and landscape.
  • The ideal size for vertical videos is 1080px by 1350px at an aspect ratio of 4:5
  • For square videos, the ideal size is 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio
  • And for landscape, the ideal size is  1080px by 566px with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1
  • Or you can also upload a video with an aspect ratio of 16:9 which is 1920px by 1080px to be viewed sideways
Minimum frame rates per second: 30FPS Maximum video length: 60 Minutes Maximum upload size: 3.6 GB Minimum resolution: 720 pixels Cover photo: 420px by 654px For the cover photo, be sure to keep all the important information towards the center so they can be visible when cropped to be displayed in different feeds.

Instagram post size for Stories

Instagram stories are images or videos that are shared and disappear after 24 hours.
  • Instagram stories also take the whole display so the ideal size is 1080px by 1920px with an aspect ratio of 9:16 (for both photos and videos)
Image file type: PNG or JPEG Video file type: MP4, MOV, or GIF Maximum video length: 15 seconds. The video can be 1 minute long but it will be split into chunks of 15 seconds Story display time: 5 seconds for images and 15 seconds for videos. Note: You can record videos more than 1 minute long but after the one-minute mark you will have to record again.

Instagram post size for Carousels

Instagram Carousels are collections of images or videos grouped together as an album and shared as a single post.
  • Carousels can include any of the three sizes (square, vertical, or landscape) but square posts are recommended (1080px by 1080px at 1:1 aspect ratio)
Vertical and landscape posts will include a top and bottom black space to make it square.

Is There Any Effect To Using Different Post Size?

The answer is both yes and no. No, because as long as you stick to any of the Instagram post dimensions and aspect ratios above then you are good because no matter the post size, Instagram will always crop the posts to square to show them in the feed.  So your posts will not be affected. Yes, because if you use other post dimensions and aspect ratios not listed here (meaning not recognized by Instagram) then your posts will be cropped or enlarged depending on the size and may lose quality or hide some parts.

As long as you stick to Instagram’s provided post sizes, dimensions and aspect ratios you are good.

One thing you can do is also choose the right size for the post the you are aiming.

Ready to Grow Your Audience
& Make Money on Social?

Hypefury makes it easy to create, publish

and monetize your content across social media 

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