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How to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter

Growing on Twitter is as much about networking, as it is about providing value to other users. If you do it right, you end up with an endless list of incredible friends, some you even get to know outside of the Twitterverse. Sometimes though, that all goes wrong and you end up losing followers. This is your guide on how to find out who unfollowed you.

This guide will feature two simple ways you can use to find out who unfollowed you. After you’ve gone through it, you’ll be able to see which of your followers were there for real, and which ones stopped by for a thrill.

As a matter of practice, who unfollows you shouldn’t bother you too much. There’s quite simply better stuff for you to be concerned about. At most, you should view it as refining of your circle and shedding of dead weight in your tribe.

These two methods below will help you see what’s what, fast and simple so you can spend less time thinking about who unfollowed you on Twitter and more time focusing on what makes it grow.

1. Who Unfollowed Me?

how to find out who unfollowed you

WhoUnfollowedMe is a simple to use web app designed to help you track your Twitter growth. You can use it to see how many new followers you’ve picked up, or how many you’ve lost, over the space of a week or a month. The platform itself is fairly easy to use. Simply sign in with your Twitter info and you can start your search from the easy-to-navigate dashboard.

how to find out who unfollowed on Twitter

From the dashboard, you can check on new followers, see who’s unfollowed and take a look at some of the people you follow that haven’t returned the favor. The platform does what it promises to do. If you want to have a quick look at what is going on with your follower count, WhoUnfollowedMe is a good place to start.

As far as we can tell you could easily get by using the Lite plan. However, if you want extra features you can go pro for as little as $25 a year or $119 for lifetime use of the service.

2. UnfollowerStats

how to find out who unfollowed on Twitter

UnfollowerStats is another web app that you can use to check who’s unfollowed you. You can also download the platform’s app from the Apple app store if you feel like looking into your Twitter growth from your phone.

The platform is free to use, but for as little as $4.99 a month, you can enjoy some added benefits and ad-free use.

how to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter

To use the platform, you log in with your Twitter credentials. Once you’ve logged in, you can look up any details you want from the control panel to the left of your screen. Alternatively, you can get straight to who unfollowed you by clicking on the stat buttons at the top of your screen. If you’ve been looking for an easy way to stay on top of your follower counts movement then UnfollowerStats is a pretty solid option to go for.

Extra tools to find out who unfollowed you

The two platforms we mentioned above are pretty much all you’ll ever need to find out who unfollowed you. You shouldn’t be bothering yourself much about it at all. If you’re not satisfied though, and you need a little extra help to get down to which followers you’re losing, these three platforms should help you get all the answers you need.

These three web apps should help you get a handle on what is happening with your followers.

Related – Twitter Toolbox: 32 Tools That Will Improve Your Twitter Experience

How to stop losing followers

Losing followers sucks. Watching our follower counts go up is something we all crave. In the end, though, the follower count is a vanity metric and it’s not worth paying much attention to. If you’re really concerned about your account hemorrhaging followers you’ll be better served to find ways to stop it rather than figuring who hit unfollow.

When you lose a follow more likely than not it’s as a result of a misalignment of values. It could just be the case that you changed the focus of your account and some people don’t relate to you anymore. That’s not a bad thing. It just means you’re evolving and your following is refining itself to reflect that change.

So, how do you stop hemorrhaging followers?

Shift your focus

If you want to stop losing followers or, at least not feel bad about it, the best thing you can do is stop focusing on it. You should have a healthy sense of detachment from your follower count. It will do wonders for your Twitter growth. Don’t get caught up in what the numbers say, instead, focus on the quality of your content. Focusing on sharing meaningful content will leave you far more fulfilled about your Twitter experience than any number could. Weirdly enough, you’ll also see the massive growth you wanted for your Twitter account.


You’re less likely to lose followers if you’re staying connected to them. If you don’t want to lose followers then show them you value them. Reply to comments you get on your tweets. Don’t just post your content and have it stop there. Do that, and after a while, nobody will care what you have to say. No point in having a massive following with zero engagement. You’re not trying to be the next Gillette.

Also, hop in the DM and speak to your followers. Send a new follower a message every so often. Talk to them and make them feel seen. If you do that, you won’t have to worry so much about who’s unfollowing you. The more your following feels like a community with you at its head, the more you can be certain you’re winning at Twitter.

Use Hypefury

Lastly, if you want to stop losing followers then you should definitely get yourself a Hypefury subscription. With Hypefury you can have your followers tuned into a steady stream of your best content. You can take advantage of Hypefury’s Evergreen and auto-retweet features to make sure your fans are never starved for the best of you.

You can set an introductory thread about yourself to Evergreen so every new follower you pick up knows who you are. Or, you could do that with one of your most helpful posts and have everyone constantly reminded about the sort of impact you could have on them.

More than you could be using Hypefury to keep your follower’s feeds filled with the very best of your content. With Hypefury, creating, and sharing content couldn’t be more of a breeze. If you want to stop losing followers and take your content game up a notch, then a Hypefury subscription is what you need.

Related – Using Twitter like a pro, A beginners guide

There you have it. Now you know how to find out who unfollowed you and effectively keep the followers you’ve. All in all, you shouldn’t be too bothered about the occasional follower that decided to leave. It’s bound to happen, you just have to stay focused on having as big a positive impact as you can and your follower count will keep ticking upwards.

If you need a hand maximizing your Twitter growth check out the rest of the blog and have a listen to Hypefury Presents for a weekly dose of some of the best insights on how to manage a Twitter account and generate an online income from some of the very best at it.

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How to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter

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