Getting an Online Fitness Coach to a 10k Product Launch

Selling your digital products on Twitter is more than just posting out the link and hoping people buy. You need to understand how to position your products in the right context and show them to people at the right time when the emotional side of their brain convinces them to buy.

One Hypefury user got this right with the sale of his 20 Minute Muscle program, a guide for people who want to build muscle, but don’t have much time e.g. Parents.

Today we’re talking to Rob from Nothing Barred Fitness about how he did exactly this.

Q: Rob, tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started on Twitter

Rob: Sure! I got started on Twitter after growing impatient with slow growth on Instagram and the time-consuming nature of creating daily visual content on Instagram. I found that Twitter had a much better engagement, and I was getting into conversations with my ideal clients much more easily.

I also found it much easier to grow, and much easier to convert followers into clients.

Q: For those who don’t know you, what type of content do you share?

Rob: I share fitness content, but more specifically, I like to put out the kind of content that is helpful to my ideal type of client: People without much time who still want to achieve their fitness goals.

You can get totally sucked into the world of fitness and go into scientific detail about everything.

I need to know what’s happening on a cellular level when muscles contract, how muscles produce movement, biomechanical concepts and the factors affecting muscular tension – but my clients don’t care about any of that stuff.

With fitness, like many things, focusing on 10-20% of the “stuff” will produce 80-90% of the results. That’s what I like to do – put out content for people who have very limited knowledge of fitness, and just want to know what they should do to get results.

Q: How has Hypefury helped you?

Rob: Hypefury has been massively helpful to me. It has helped me to:

  • Gain more followers (which translates to more clients).
  • Grow my email list.
  • Sell more digital products (on autopilot).
  • Launch a program that did $10k worth of sales in the three weeks leading up to its release.


The majority of those program sales came through a thread that I used Hypefury to schedule. I used Hypefury’s “delay tweet” feature, which puts a delay between each tweet in the thread. This means the tweets get added one by one, at a time interval that you set, and it keeps refreshing the thread and pushing it back up to the top of the timeline so the maximum number of people see it.

The thread had a plug for the program at the end (which expanded on what the thread was about). The content of the thread tapped into people’s trust as I backed up all points I made with links to scientific studies and showed people a “new way” that would allow them to get great results from their training, with less than half of the time.

It was one of the best threads I’ve ever done, getting over 500 retweets. Hypefury 100% expanded the reach of the thread with the Tweet Booster feature. This feature automatically retweets the tweet after a time interval that you can set. You can ensure it only activates on tweets that are doing well, by setting a minimum number of likes that the tweet has to reach first.


Q: That’s great! Can you explain how Hypefury has helped you to do the other things you mentioned?

Rob: The auto plug has been the most game-changing feature. Every time a tweet reaches a certain number of likes (I usually use 50-100) Hypefury plugs one of my offers underneath it as a reply to the original tweet. Sometimes I choose a specific offer for a specific tweet, but most of the time I just let Hypefury plug one of my offers at random.

This has been amazing for growing my email list and selling digital products. I did a big push on my email list through plug tweets and added 5,000 people to it in a few months.

One of my favorite things that happens is when Hypefury retweets one of the old tweets that I’ve set as evergreen, and that tweet had a plug tweet underneath it. The retweet leads to more sales of the product that was plugged underneath the old tweet!

Q: What would you say to someone who doesn’t use Hypefury yet, why should they use it?

Rob: If anyone wants to make money from their Twitter account and they aren’t using Hypefury yet, I would tell them that they’re leaving money on the table and they’re being inefficient with their time. Hypefury can save you so much time.

I’ve already mentioned how it can help you sell more products by plugging your offers beneath tweets that hit a certain number of likes/retweets. You can also automate posting of any type of tweet, and have it be posted recurrently according to a weekly calendar.

I use this to periodically post out my online coaching offer twice per week. I have set up several templates so that there is a selection of posts about online coaching for Hypefury to tweet out at my set times each week.

Another person could set up 20 different tweets, all about the community they’ve set up, then promote it automatically a few times a week, with HF selecting a different tweet from the 20 (or however many) you’ve set up.

If you’re reading this and want to try Hypefury as well, click here. Just log in with Twitter and you can start growing your account faster within seconds.

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Getting an Online Fitness Coach to a 10k Product Launch

Ready to Grow Your Audience
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